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Scott J. Whitten, M.D. is a reproductive specialist, board certified in both obstetrics and gynecology and reproductive endocrinology and infertility. His professional interests involve the understanding and treatment of infertility, fibroids, endometriosis, and complex pubertal disorders, as well as reproductive surgical techniques.
Dr. Whitten received his undergraduate degree in biology from the University of Nevada Reno in 1995. He subsequently obtained his Doctorate of Medicine at the University of Nevada School of Medicine and then proceeded to Phoenix, Arizona where he performed his residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center. During his residency training, he received every award he was eligible for, including recognition for outstanding teaching and clinical excellence. He was then accepted as faculty at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), where he did his subspecialty fellowship training in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. Again, he was recognized for excellence in resident and medical student education two out of his three years at UAB. During fellowship he completed numerous research projects in both male and female infertility which resulted in several publications and oral presentations describing his work. His major focus was on the process of meiosis and this work was presented at the prestigious Plennary Session of the SGI National Meeting in 2005 and published in the prestigious basic science journal, Developmental Biology.
Dr. Whitten is married. He and his wife have been blessed with two children. He enjoys almost all types of outdoor recreation, as well as spending time with family and friends.
Curriculum Vitae
Reproductive Medicine Specialist
Utah Fertility Center
Salt Lake City, UT
Reproductive Medicine Specialist
Nevada Center for Reproductive Medicine
Reno, NV
Fellow / Instructor in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, Alabama
Administrative Chief Resident in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center
Phoenix, Arizona
Residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center
Phoenix, Arizona
Doctorate of Medicine
University of Nevada School of Medicine
Reno, Nevada
Bachelor of Science in Biology
College of Arts and Sciences
University of Nevada-Reno
Reno, Nevada
- American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- 4/2008 – OB/GYN and REI
- Hawaii State Medical License
- Nevada State Medical License
- Utah State Medical License
- The American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers Certification
- Certified on Intuitive Surgical® da Vinci. Surgical System (Robotics)
2006 Recognition of Excellence in Medical Student Education
University of Alabama School of Medicine
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, Alabama
2005 Recognition of Excellence in Medical Student Education
University of Alabama School of Medicine
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, Alabama
2003 The Edward Sattenspiel MD Chief Resident Teaching Award for Outstanding
Teaching/Mentorship (The only award presented to the fourth year resident class.)
Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center
Phoenix, Arizona
2002 Perinatal Award for the Outstanding Resident in Perinatology PGYIII
(The only award presented to the third year resident class.)
Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center
Phoenix, Arizona
2001 American Society of Reproductive Medicine Annual Meeting
Resident Reporter Program Participant
2001 Berlex Laboratories Best PGYII Teaching Residents of the Year Recipient
(The only award presented to the second year resident class.)
Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center
Phoenix, Arizona
1999 Outstanding Student in Rural Medicine
University of Nevada School of Medicine
Reno, Nevada
1994 Hartman / Kanning Scholarship Recipient
University of Nevada School of Medicine
Reno, Nevada
- 2005-present Endocrine Fellows Foundation / American Diabetes Association
- 2003-present Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility-Associate member
- 2002-present American Society for Reproductive Medicine
- 1999-present American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Junior Fellow
- 1999-2003 Phoenix Obstetrics and Gynecology Society, Resident Membership
- 1995-1999 American Medical Association, Student Section
- 1995-1999 American Medical Student Association
- 1994-1995 AED-Premedical Honor Society
Whitten SJ. Female Sexual Dysfunction: Considerations for Therapy. Progress in Obstetrics and Gynecology Annual Meeting, Birmingham, Alabama, February 2005.
Whitten SJ. Endometriosis. Resident Lecture Series, Department of Obstetrics and Gynencology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, January 2005.
Whitten SJ. Dyslipidemias: Trimming the Fat. Presentation at the Alabama Section of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Destin, Florida, May 2004.
Whitten SJ. Trauma in Pregnancy. Obstetrical Challenges of the New Millenium, Phoenix, Arizona, February 2003.
Whitten SJ. Misoprostol . Uses in Gynecology. Grand Rounds, Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 2001.
Whitten SJ. Hirsutism- Treatment and Management Options. Grand Rounds, Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona, 2001.
Dharia-Patel SP, Steinkampf MP, Whitten SJ, Malizia BA. Publication: Robotic tubal anastamosis: surgical technique and cost effectiveness. Fertilty and Sterility 2008;90(4):1175-9.
Whitten SJ, Miller MA. Publication: The Role of Gap Junctions in Caenorhabditis elegans Oocyte Maturation and Fertilization. Developmental Biology 2007;301:432-446.
Whitten SJ, Nangia AK, Kolettis PN. Publication: Clomiphene citrate is successful in select cases of male hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Fertility and Sterility 2006;86(6):1664-8.
Whitten SJ, Nangia AK, Kolettis PN. Oral Presentation: Clomiphene citrate is successful in select cases of male hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. American Society for Reproductive Medicine and Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society 61st Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October, 2005. (Published in Abstracts of the Scientific Oral & Poster Sessions Program Supplement, Fertility and Sterility 2005; (84) sup1.)
Whitten SJ, Miller MA. Trainees. Plennary Session Presentation: The Role of Gap Junctions in Oocyte Maturation: Using Caenorhabditis elegans as a Model. Society of Gynecologic Investigation 52nd Annual Scientific Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, March, 2005.
Steinkampf MP, Whitten SJ, Rogers IV CMA. Publication: Risk of Postoperative Complications in Anticoagulated Patients Undergoing Elective Gynecologic Surgery. Submitted for publication 2006 to Am J Ob/Gyn (by MPS).
Dharia SP, Steinkampf MP, Whitten SJ, Malizia BA, Kilgore ML. Oral Presentation: Robotically assisted tubal sterilization reversal: Surgical technique and cost effectiveness versus conventional surgery. Sixtieth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Philedelphia, PA, October 2004.
Whitten SJ, Miller MA. Poster presentation: The Role of Gap Junctions in C. Elegans Oocyte Maturation. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting on Germ Cells, Long Island, NY, October 2004.
Steinkampf MP, Whitten SJ, Hammond KR. Publication: Effect of Spontneous Pregnancy Reduction on Obstetrical Outcome. J of Repro Med. 2005;50(8):603-6.
Whitten SJ, Steinkampf MP, Dharia SD, Hammond K, Connors MG. Poster presentation: An Effective Parenteral Endometrial Preparation Protocol for Oocyte Recipients. Donor Egg Meeting: Art of Donor Oocytes, Charleston, SC, May 2004.
Dharia SP, Whitten SJ, Steinkampf MP, Malizia BA. Oral presentation: Robotic tubal reversal in a fellowship-training program. European Society for Human Reproductive and Embryology – 20th Annual Meeting, Berlin, Germany, June 2004.
Whitten SJ, Kimball Pomeroy. Resident research project: Cryopreservation protocol for severe oligoasthenospermia. Arizona Reproductive Medicine Specialists, Phoenix, Arizona, 2001-2003.
Whitten SJ, Campbell J. Medical student research project: Fluorescence detection of stretch-activated calcium channels in mouse mesangial cells. Department of Internal Medicine, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Reno, Nevada, 1997.
2005-2006 House Staff Council Member
Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility University of Alabama at Birmingham
2005 Course coordinator and lecturer
Transvaginal sonography course for OB/GYN residents
2002-2003 Administrative Chief Resident
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona
2002-2003 Obstetrical Care Committee
Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona
1995-1999 Student Executive Council, Representative for Class of 1999
1995-1999 Student Body Treasurer for Class of 1999
1997-1998 Admissions Committee, University of Nevada School of Medicine
1996 Freshman Orientation Committee